Facilitating Events
BlueLemur embraces a participatory, co-creation open-technology approach for designing, planning and facilitating events such as conferences, global summits, workshops and training of trainers.
Our facilitation approach is participatory and collaborative, putting participants at the centre of the design and planning to ensure an enjoyable and rewarding journey for all.
We apply a rights based approach which is inclusive and anti-oppressive. Being mindful and aware of the power dynamics at play in the entire process, we foster an environment which is inclusive and neutral and sets a safe space for participation by all.
- 1 Agreeing the purpose and participants collaboratively with key stakeholders and potential participants in order to establish a mutually shared and agreed purpose.
- 2 Planning and Designing the event, taking a collaborative, participatory approach working with clients, participants and other stakeholders to co-create an agenda that responds to their needs and expectations.
- 3 Preparing for the event working closely with technical, logistics, administrative and / or organising teams to ensure everything and everyone is ready for the event.
- 4 Proceeding with the plan and adapting it to the rhythms, needs and realities of the moment.
- 5 Post-facilitation review of feedback, synthesis of proceedings and follow-up with participants as needed.